Winter Wisdom: Why Bikers Should Have a Motorcycle Lay-Up Policy

For motorcyclists who live in New England, the winter brings dangerous road conditions, which means bikes usually stay in storage until spring.

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The Pre-Holiday Safety Checklist

Before you shift your attention to cooking a tasty Thanksgiving dinner or organizing a fun-filled gift swap, take precautions to maintain a safe environment.

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Halloween Safety Tips: (Preventing) ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’

Halloween can quickly turn into a real-life horror story if you don’t take the necessary precautions to protect visitors, family and friends from potential danger.

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The Basics of Auto Insurance in Massachusetts

Do you know exactly what your auto insurance policy covers? Or how much you would have to pay in the event of an accident? Most people don’t know the ins and outs of their policy.

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Take Steps to Prevent Falls on Stairs

Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury for those over 65, and the risks increase in homes with stairs.

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Top 5 Auto Insurance Tips for College Students

With just a little knowledge about how auto insurance works, you can save money and reduce potential headaches down the line.

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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Pet Damage and Bites?

Pets bring us endless amounts of joy every single day, but as most animal owners know far too well, our furry friends can sometimes get into some trouble.

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Protect Your Home and Yourself from Summer Storms

Summer storms such as thunderstorms can bring heavy winds, strong rains, lightning, thunder and hail.

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Protect Your Property: The Pretravel Home Checklist

Proactively protect your property while you’re away to prevent damage and discourage lawbreakers from taking advantage of your prolonged absence.

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